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We are a bunch of guys/girls.
On fire for God. Crazy for God ;D
We are called the AGAPIANS
From AGAPE !
Our EG Verse is:
1 John 4:7
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
■ CG :D
■ Best EG for August, September, October
■ Every member to get best member / nomiated :D
date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009
time: 4:18 AM
comments: 0
Haha so sad Kelvin and Kok Loong going army le Q.Q anyway its 4 in the morning and i'm here to give you todays daily bread ^^ Today's story is called Pay It Forward. Do read John 13:3 - 15. In John 13:14 Jesus Said "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet."and in John 13:15 Jesus Said " I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." As washing the feet is an act of servanthood, Jesus is showing the diciples how much He love them and He wants them to pass on the love that He have given them.We should love one another and pass on kindness and love to others. Christ's example teached us that we should follow Him each day meeting one another's needs, though humble service be the way. To Know Love, Open Your Heart To JesusTo Show Love, Open Your Heart To OthersFind a need and meet itNicholas
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Will update this space soon,
promise :D
before you tag
I'd like to make a handful of things clear to all taggers.
■ Strictly no anonymous taggers allowed. (I will not entertain anonymous tags no matter how obnoxious.)
■ Vulgarism of all forms are prohibited.
With that said, you may commence with your nagging tagging.